Time & place:
06:30 pm ~ 08:30 pm
Time Zone: GMT+8
Venue: L57, Taipei 101
Please join us for a light dinner. While we aim to provide a delightful culinary experience, please note there are menu limitations. RSVP by 20th, May.
Time & place:
06:30 pm ~ 09:00 pm
Supercharging Computing Capabilities: Harnessing the Power of HPC and 5G Integration
Bibiliothek, Sheraton Carlton Hotel Nuremberg
Time & place:
02:00 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Time & place:
06:30 pm ~ 09:00 pm
Self-driving Drives the Future Forum
Sheraton Carlton Nürnberg (Eilgutstraße 15, Nürnberg 90443 Deutschland)
Time & place:
01:30 pm ~ 05:00 pm
華南銀行 國際會議中心
Time & place:
07:00 pm ~ 09:30 pm
Sheraton Carlton Nürnberg
Eilgutstraße 15, Nürnberg 90443 Deutschland